Welcome to Our Active Citizenship Space

In a world in constant change, active citizenship becomes an essential tool to build fairer and more participatory societies. This blog was created with the intention of being a meeting point for all those interested in promoting citizen engagement and participation in public life.

What can you expect in this blog?

  • News: Keep up to date with the latest trends and developments in the field of active citizenship. We will share relevant news and information on initiatives related to this topic.
  • Resources of Interest: We will provide you with a variety of tools, guides and materials that will help you better understand this type of participation and become more involved in your community.
  • Recent Research: We will present our findings and those of other studies of interest on this topic. We want the research to serve as a basis for dialogue and action.
  • Reflections: We will take time to reflect on relevant issues related to active citizenship. We will invite experts and the community to share their perspectives, experiences and learnings.

We invite you to be part of this community. We want to hear your opinions, share your experiences and work together for a more active and engaged citizenship. Through social networks, we hope to generate an enriching exchange that will inspire us all.