Luis Oceja Fernández
Professor in the Department of Social Psychology and Methodology at the Autonoma University of Madrid. His current research interests are focused on the examination of how the interplay between the different motives influences on prosocial behavior, and the study of the antecedents and consequences of normative fulfillment. Some outstanding articles published recently:
Villar, S., Carrera, P. & Oceja, L. (2022). From aesthetics to ethics: Testing the link between an emotional experience of awe and the motive of quixoteism on (un)ethical behavior. Motivation and Emotion, 46(4), 508-520.
Oceja, L., Beramendi, M., Salgado, S., Gavilán, P, & Villegas, M. (2021). Dissecting the dimension of protection: Caligae and Scutum in the evaluative model of normative appeals. Current Psychology, 42, 9293–9302.
Oceja, L., Stocks, E., Heerdink, M., Villar, S., Salgado, S., Carrera, P., Arribas, M., Bargsted, M., Beramendi, M., Caballero, A., Espinosa, A., Escanés, G., Lima, L., Muñoz, D., Nájera, P., Pereira, S., Villegas, M., & Zubieta, E. (2019). Revisiting the difference between instrumental and terminal values to predict (stimulating) prosocial behaviours: The transcendental‐change profile. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(3), 749–768.